Friday, May 15, 2015

Things to remember when the doctor diagnosis Cancer

  • After a cancer diagnosis, it is important to take care of yourself as you begin to cope with this news.
  • Start learning about your disease by asking your health care team questions and reading information from trustworthy sources.
  • Find a doctor who specializes in treating your type of cancer.
  • Seek the support of others, and find outlets to express your feelings.
It is a situation people often fear—sitting in the doctor's office and hearing the word cancer. People diagnosed with cancer often say they were stunned when they heard the news and unable to process much that was said afterward. After the initial shock, consider the following steps to learn about your diagnosis, find treatment, and cope.
Learn more about Cancer diagnosis
Cancer is a group of more than 100 diseases, so it is important to understand your specific type of cancer or cancer-related syndrome, including the process of diagnosing and treating it. This enables you to take an active role in your cancer care by asking appropriate questions, accessing resources, and making informed treatment decisions.
During your initial doctor’s visit, you may struggle to process the amount of information you receive, and unfamiliar medical language may confuse you. Ask your doctor to explain anymedical terms you don’t understand. And don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Also consider bringing a family member or a friend to your appointments to help listen and take notes. Or use a recorder during the visit, which allows you to capture information that you can replay in the future.
Some patients desire more information, while others prefer less. For example, some want to avoid hearing statistics about chances of survival. Tell your doctor and other members of your health care team your preferences for receiving information about your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis (chance of recovery).

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